Josh’s 33-year career with the RCMP took him from rural and municipal policing in Saskatchewan, to federal policing in Ottawa, and overseas as Travel/Security Officer for Canada’s Governor General. His experience is diverse. Josh has worked in Investigations, Community Relations, Intelligence, Strategic Planning, Protective Services, and was the Regional Ethics Officer for Ontario, Quebec and Eastern Canada. He brings a wide understanding of the job, the industry, and its needs to his role at Indalma.
As Indalma’s Brand Ambassador, Josh introduces police agencies to the branding, marketing, and design solutions we offer. A skilled communicator and strategist, he understands that a police service’s brand plays a pivotal role in creating trust, engagement, and credibility. As the first point-of-contact for an agency looking to build a more effective brand, or develop a campaign, Josh is able to bridge the worlds of branding and policing with knowledgeable support.
Whether it’s today, in my role as Brand Ambassador, or when I was running investigations, leading teams, or acting as a national media spokesperson for the RCMP, my goal has always been to take a strong strategic approach, develop constructive working relationships, and use my expertise to get results.