Publication Design for Police Agencies

An engaging and professionally designed annual report, strategic plan, or community update increases the probability that your information will be read and remembered by a wider audience – and it builds trust and confidence in your police agency brand. 

Publications such as annual reports are your opportunity to highlight your accomplishments, challenges, and goals, while strategic plans reflect your vision for the future. We ensure that they get the attention they deserve by designing them – both online and in print – in ways that are engaging, well-organized, easy-to-read and digest, and consistent with your brand identity.

Our team has extensive experience designing publications, from magazines, to booklets and reports. We know how to get and keep the attention of the audiences – stakeholders, policymakers and community members – that police departments need to communicate with.

A sample of our work appears below. To see more of Indalma’s branding and design work for Canadian police agencies, please visit our project pages for individual agencies.

Looking for help with a police branding, recruiting or marketing project?


Social Media Marketing and Management for Police Departments