Police Recruiting Campaigns

Recruiting is a top issue for police services across the country. Officers are retiring in waves, the next generation isn’t beating down the door to join, and – at many police agencies – staff shortages mean that employees are overworked and burnt out. 

While the problem is industry-wide, as a department, you can increase your chances of recruiting success by building a positive employer brand, and using targeted communication, intentional relationship-building, and clear hiring processes throughout the recruiting process. (In our blog section, we write about “9 Police Recruiting Strategies That Can Improve Your Hiring Success”.)

At Indalma, we can help you create a multi-channel campaign with strategic messaging and attention-getting creative that will showcase the unique benefits you offer, connect emotionally with your audience, and meet them where they are: online, in print, on social, on the road, at school, enjoying sports or attending events. 

A sample of our work appears below. To see more of Indalma’s branding and design work for Canadian police agencies, please visit our project pages for individual agencies.

Looking for help with a police branding, recruiting or marketing project?


Police Vehicle Graphics


Marketing Campaigns and Strategy for Police Agencies